Older People Living with Cancer

Peer advocates supporting older people affected by cancer

The Older People’s Health and Wellbeing Atlas

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The West Midlands Public Health Observatory have recently has updated its Older People’s Health and Wellbeing Atlas
Enter the Older People’s Health and Wellbeing Atlas http://www.wmpho.org.uk/olderpeopleatlas/default.aspx
The Older People’s Health and Wellbeing Atlas provides a snapshot profile of each local authority in England.
The atlas can be used to highlight deficits in the health and care of older people and large variations between local authorities.

The observatory welcomes discussion of the included indicators and are interested to hear ideas for future development of the Older People’s Health and Wellbeing Atlas. Please provide your feedback by email to bwh-tr.Infoteam@nhs.net or by telephone 0121 415 8551.

Author: kathparson

Chief Executive of Older People's Advocacy Alliance (UK)

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